Kiwaad by NUS Naach
ExxonMobil Campus Concerts presented by NUS Centre For The Arts
Kiwaad revolves around the idea of finding meaning and inspiration in a mundane and seemingly banal existence. By staying trapped in our homes behind our doors, day after day, week after week, how does one still have the zeal for life? And potentially point us towards the right direction?  At its very core, Kiwaad is a search for meaning and possibly answers to existential questions that we as human society face, everyday.
Kiwaad showcased eight uniquely choreographed and themed dance pieces with an innovative use of props. The audience experienced a spectrum of emotions through the eight different stories showcased. These stories ranged from thought-provoking issues such as gender stereotypes, to light-hearted whimsical pieces with elements of comedy and romance.
Click to read the Kiwaad Programme Booklet